Developing irrigation technology for a diversity of farmers with rapidly changing demands can be hard for designers, especially when the technology concerns smallholders in developing countries. Innovation networks supporting the adopted technology increasingly include both globalised players and very local actors, making innovation intermediaries capable of translating innovation issues for different actors increasingly indispensable.
Green Extension is an umbrella term used to describe rural advisory services which support the scaling up of sustainable agriculture. This encompasses a range of methods to promote various types of content. What these approaches have in common is a process of socio-ecological learning, i.e., supporting farmers to analyse local problems and opportunities, and test alternative practices under local conditions.
The present document is the second deliverable from SALSA's Work Package 4. It contains the comparative analysis carried out from the 13 regional reports (collected in D4.1) that were gathered from the outcomes of the participatory foresight workshop conducted in 13 different regions in Europe and Africa.
This report represents findings on the role of women in small-scale farming (defined as farms up to 5 ha or 8 ESU), particularly in relation to governance frameworks associated with food and nutrition security. It follows SALSA Deliverable 5.1, which assesses the governance arrangements which impact upon small-scale farms and small food businesses. Both reports utilise the data collected in SALSA WP3 (In-depth assessment of food systems in 30 regions).
During the last six years (2013-2019), the Agricultural Extension in South Asia (AESA) Network has served as a platform for collating the voices, insights, concerns, and experiences of people in the extension sphere of South Asia. Diverse professionals shared their concerns on the present and future of Extension and Advisory Services (EAS) in the form of blog conversations for AESA.
L’approche Champs-Écoles Producteurs (CEP) est introduite au Ghana en 1996, au Niger en 1999 et au Sénégal en 2000 via le projet « Gestion intégrée de la Production et des Déprédateurs (GIPD) » soutenu par la FAO.
Ce guide a pour but de vous initier à l’utilisation et à la rédaction de fiches techniques sur les bonnes pratiques pastorales et agropastorales. L’objectif étant de vous fournir un outil de gestion des connaissances pleinement opérationnel dans lequel les informations sur les bonnes pratiques sont continuellement documentées et diffusées en interne et en externe aux partenaires.
Colombia produces more sugar per month on one hectare of land than any other country. This privilege is due to the productivity of sugar cane grown in the Cauca River valley, where 14 processing plants operate nearly year-round to produce sugar, honey, bioethanol, and electrical energy. The cane is supplied by 2750 growers, owners of 75 percent of the 240 000 hecatres planted, and by the sugar mills themselves (25 percent of the area). The sugar cane chain provides more than 286 000 direct and indirect jobs.
Las problemáticas de las empresas familiares trascienden fronteras, escalas, entornos y rubros. Dentro del sector agropecuario, las empresas familiares representan en 80 por ciento de las unidades productivas que hacen al desarrollo económico de Argentina y Uruguay. Esta iniciativa forma una comunidad virtual donde el público objetivo son los propietarios, socios, fundadores, asesores, gerentes, potenciales sucesores y toda persona interesada en los temas relativos a la empresa familiar, sin distinción de género o edad, del sector agropecuario de estos países.