While much has been written about the importance of mainstreaming gender in agricultural value chains (and the challenges inherent in doing so), relatively few studies have provided details on cases in which gender integration 1 has been successful. This study, therefore, presents a collection of experiences in which rural advisory services (RAS) were able to successfully mainstream gender into agricultural value chains, categorised in terms of “best-fit practices”. While the examples presented here cannot be precisely replicated in other contexts, they provide general guidance for organisations that implement programming related to agricultural value chains.
Del 1 al 4 de noviembre del 2016, expertos de varios países del hemisferio analizaron el papel de las mujeres rurales en el desarrollo y la sostenibilidad de la agricultura familiar, las políticas públicas diferenciadas para la agricultura familiar, el...
The 2016 Global Agricultural Productivity Report advocates policies and innovations in five key areas to help the agriculture and food sectors manage uncertain seasons of fluctuating business cycles and climate change, while fostering competitiveness today and sustainable growth tomorrow. Policy...
The first phase in the development of the Common Framework on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation systems (CD for AIS) consisted of the review of the existing literature, building up a repository of relevant documentation on agricultural innovation in general and AIS and CD...
The World Bank Group has a unique opportunity to match the increases in financing for agriculture with a sharper focus on improving agricultural growth and productivity in agriculture-based economies, notably in Sub-Saharan Africa. Greater effort will be needed to connect...
Depuis une dizaine d’années, SOS Faim développe avec ses partenaires latino-américains, une nouvelle stratégie pour endiguer la pauvreté rurale : le développement territorial rural (DTR). On peut définir le DTR comme étant une dynamique d’animation et de concertation entre acteurs...