While much has been written about the importance of mainstreaming gender in agricultural value chains (and the challenges inherent in doing so), relatively few studies have provided details on cases in which gender integration 1 has been successful. This study, therefore, presents a collection of experiences in which rural advisory services (RAS) were able to successfully mainstream gender into agricultural value chains, categorised in terms of “best-fit practices”. While the examples presented here cannot be precisely replicated in other contexts, they provide general guidance for organisations that implement programming related to agricultural value chains.
Del 1 al 4 de noviembre del 2016, expertos de varios países del hemisferio analizaron el papel de las mujeres rurales en el desarrollo y la sostenibilidad de la agricultura familiar, las políticas públicas diferenciadas para la agricultura familiar, el...
L’agriculture familiale est de loin la forme d’agriculture la plus répandue au monde, tant dans les pays développés que dans les pays en développement. Elle représente la principale source d’emplois dans le monde. C’est bien plus qu’une simple modalité de...
La FAO a adopté une approche multidimensionnelle pour aider les exploitants familiaux pauvres à faire face aux difficultés qu’ils rencontrent au quotidien et renforcer leur capacité de création de revenus, afin de réduire la pauvreté rurale. La FAO aide les...
This report has the aim of contributing to the PRO AKIS overall goal of exploring and identifying the possibilities, conditions and requirements of rural networks to enhance the farmers’ ability to create, test, implement and evaluate innovation in cooperation with other actors.In...