Commercial Village Stores (CVS) Establishment Quarter 5 Progress Report

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The Commercial Village Stores (CVS) project funded by USAID COMPETE (the Competitiveness and Trade Expansion Program) implemented in Kenya, Meru region in Eastern Province and Western Uganda Bushenyi district has continued to benefit under the project.

During the fifth quarter (Oct-Dec 2010) under review, there were concerted efforts to capacity build farmers on good agricultural practice and linkages to input suppliers for access of inputs, for farmers to achieve better quality yields, inputs and technical support in crop management are important. The use of field demonstrations was used as a way of training farmers on crop management. Input suppliers  like Farmchem Ltd, Osho chemicals, Mburugu Farmers’ Centre and Meru Farmers’ Centre were linked and enabled the access of materials by farmers. The establishment of the Commercial Village Stores in Jinja Uganda has taken shape with over 1100 farmers mobilized and recruited for storage of grains. 

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