The Improved Agriculture for Smallholders in Nyanza Province (TASK) Project: Final Project Documentation, October 2003-September 2009

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The Improved Agriculture for Smallholders Western Kenya (TASK) is one of five projects in the five-year USAID funded Development Assistance Program (DAP) II referred to as Sustainable Livelihood Security for Vulnerable Households program in Nyanza province. It aims to improve, in a sustainable manner, food and livelihood security for 4500 vulnerable households in 7 districts in Nyanza province.

The project's primary focus was to increase commercialization of agricultural production, such as marketing and transformation of smallholder agriculture from subsistence to market oriented production. It scaled up activities through increased diversification of on farm enterprises with improved agricultural and natural resource management skills to optimize food availability strengthen farmer organizations and develop markets to enhance increased returns from farm operations and access to food. 

The immediate achievements of the project included increased productivity of staple crops by 4500 households, increased adoption of small scale irrigated agriculture and increased household revenue from marketed farm produce.

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