Combinations of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital for farm innovation: How farmers configure different support networks

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Licencia de recurso: 
Derechos sujetos al permiso del propietario
Artículo de revista
Journal of Rural Studies
Autor (es): 
Cofré G.
Klerkx L.
Engler A.
Editor (es): 

On-farm agricultural innovation through incorporation of new technologies and practices requires access to resources such as knowledge, financial resources, training, and even emotional support, all of which require the support of different actors such as peers, advisors, and researchers. The literature has explored the support networks that farmers use and the overall importance ranking of different support actors, but it has not looked in detail at how these networks may differ for different farmers. This study fills this gap by looking at farmer support network configurations through the lens of the social capital available to them in such configurations. Using a Chilean fruit-farmer case, was examined how different types of social capital (bonding, bridging, and linking) are used to achieve what has been called ‘ambidexterity’. Ambidexterity implies both that open networks (based on linking and bridging social capital) are used to explore and access new knowledge and resources, and that closed networks (based on bonding social capital) are used to successfully implement and exploit new technologies and practices

Año de publicación: 
Palabras clave: 
Farm innovation
Micro AKIS
Social capital
Organizational ambidexterity
Technology adoption
Advisory systems
agricultural innovation systems