Supranational transfer of digital innovation in agribusiness through payment market mechanisms

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documento de conferencia
Autor (es): 
Iyabano A.H.
Guimón J.
Osei-Amponsah C.
Straete E.P.
Editor (es): 

The task of creating a single supranational payment market is to ensure its maximum independence, which correlates with the tasks of the competitive leading economic development of countries - the transition to a digital technological structure. To increase the efficiency of the generation of payment innovations with their subsequent diffusion into the agricultural sector, to strengthen the economy’s resistance to risks, a transfer of innovative institutional, organizational and informational forms of activity is necessary. The strategy of integration of payment markets of interstate economic associations in time and space should be based on the consolidation and symbiosis of innovative technology platforms of sovereign payment systems of the participating countries. For this, a conceptual model of a supranational transfer of digital innovations to the agricultural sector through the transmission mechanisms of payment systems is proposed. The model characterizes the mega-economic system, which provides for the heterarchical and hierarchical interaction of payment systems of donor countries and recipient countries in the framework of economic associations, in which the transfer of forms of innovative development to the agricultural sector is carried out. Digital innovations are transferred to the subjects of the agricultural market horizontally and vertically. The transfer of digital innovation occurs through institutional, organizational and informational communications with the parallel creation of structures for the subsequent evolution of the model

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