In recent decades, the confluence of different global and domestic drivers has led to progressive and unpredictable changes in the functioning and structure of agri-food markets worldwide. Given the unsustainability of the current agri-food production, processing, distribution and consumption patterns, and the inadequate governance of the whole food system, the transition to sustainable agriculture and food systems has become crucial to effectively manage a global agri-food market able in supporting expected population growth and ensuring universal access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for all. Based on a critical review of the existing international literature, the paper seeks to understand the evolutionary paths of sustainability issues within agri-food markets by analyzing their drivers and trends. An extensive analysis was conducted highlighting the development and importance of the body of knowledge on the most important sustainability transition frameworks, focusing mainly on the relationship between markets, trade, food and nutrition security, and other emerging issues within agri-food markets. Finally, the study makes suggestions to extend the research in order to improve basic knowledge and to identify opportunities to design meaningful actions that can shape agri-food markets and foster their transition to sustainability.
Cet article propose de s’interroger sur les outils géographiques d’évaluation de la durabilité socioéconomique, dans le cadre d’une réflexion surle rôle de l’agriculture dans le développement durable des territoires ruraux. L’exemple de la commercialisation des produits bio, à travers la...
This document examines the macroeconomic and sectoral context and the trends and outlook for crops, livestock, fisheries, forests and rural well-being, as well as the public policies and institutional framework for these sectors. Based on an analysis of the trends...
L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies a annoncé que 2010 est l’Année internationale de la biodiversité. Alors que l’humanité commence seulement à tenter de résoudre les dégâts provoqués par le réchauffement climatique, la perte de la biodiversité engendrée par les activités...
This study examines whether agroecological farming practices, when employed by highly vulnerable households in sub-Saharan Africa, can improve food security and dietary diversity. The research involved a four-year study with 425 smallholder households, selected purposively based on high levels of...
C’est un pays-continent, planté au milieu de l’Afrique centrale, dont les possibilités agricoles et rurales sont énormes. Les dirigeants de la République démocratique du Congo doivent cependant dépasser une vision extractive de l’économie et renforcer les véritables forces productrices, essentiellement...