The video (in Vietnamese language- English subtitles) tackles how to mainstream Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI in setting up a Climate-Smart Village (CSV). GSI should be integrated in the eight guide steps in establishing a CSV, such as: determining the purpose and scope of CSV; identifying the climate risk in the target area/s; locating the CSV in a small landscape; consulting the stakeholders; evaluating the CSA options; developing portfolio; scaling-up; and monitoring and evaluating uptake and outcome.
Introduction to CCAFS and CGIAR: Why food loss and waste? - Lini Wollenberg
The Food Loss and Waste Calculator and how it can be used to mitigate climate change - Jan Broeze
Understanding Smallholder Farmers’ Post-Harvest Behaviors: Evidence from...
This paper comparatively analyzes the structure of agricultural policy development networks that connect organizations working on agricultural development, climate change and food security in fourteen smallholder farming communities across East Africa, West Africa and...
As the world gets hotter and rainfall more erratic, the type and availability of ingredients for daily meals are changing. With support from the Government of Canada and the Global Environment Facility’s Least Developed Countries Fund, the Canada-UNDP Climate Change...
Note de synthèse du rapport réalisé par la commission Agriculture et alimentation (C2A) de Coordination SUD. Il met en lumière les enjeux d’une adaptation des agricultures familiales aux changements climatiques sous l’angle des politiques publiques à partir de l’étude de...
As climate change continues to drive food insecurity, addressing the risks of climate change across the value chain – especially agricultural products that are important to food and nutrition security – will yield significant adaptation benefits to vulnerable small producers...