Precision Agriculture Technology and Robotics for Good Agricultural Practices

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documento de conferencia
Autor (es): 
De Baerdemaeker J.
Editor (es): 

There is a growing concern by governments, retailers and consumers about the safety and quality of food. Because products are resourced on a on a global scale it becomes important that the origin of the products as well as all the treatments during production can be traced and that the production methods can be verified as good agricultural practices (GAP). This also includes considerations for the environment and sustainability. The concepts and technologies developed in the framework of precision agriculture, including automation and robotics, make it possible to produce with a minimal environmental impact and at the same time all treatments and handling are recorded and can be uploaded in the different data bases that are used for tracing the product origin and for verifying compliance with GAP criteria. Gap criteria are also such that new developments in automation and robotics are stimulated to relief producers from excessive administrative work. As such these technologies can evolve as efficient instruments for food safety assurance.

Año de publicación: 
Palabras clave: 
Precision agriculture
Food safety
Good agriculture practice