Deliverable 6.1 - Preliminary Assessment of the Needs of Small Farms and the Enabling Conditions and Policy Instruments Required for Maintaining / Enhancing their Contribution to Sustainable FNS

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Autor (es): 
Redman, M.
Toma, I.

In the context of the SALSA project, the overall aim of WP6 is to identify, develop and disseminate policy tools and other support mechanisms that are most appropriate for maintaining and enhancing the contribution of small farms to sustainable FNS in the European and African context (SALSA Objective 4).

The current deliverable (D6.1) is divided into two parts, each corresponding to one of its two main audiences, namely:

  • Policy makers and practioners who seek to understand the priority needs of small farms in each of SALSA's four macro-regions should consult Part 2
  • Academics who might be interested in understanding methodological issues regarding the development process of SALSA's Strategic Framework (Part 1).

Part 1  – Scientific Methodology

The current document D6.1 offers a synthesis and discussion of priority small farm needs for enabling conditions in each of SALSA's four macro-regions (Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Nothern Europe and SALSA's African countries). The needs identified in D6.1 form the basis of policy recommendations in Deliverable 6.2 detailing the SALSA Strategic Framework.

Part 2  – SALSA Strategic Framework

Part 2 of the current deliverable serves as a macro-regionally based prioritization of small farmer needs and enabling conditions. Their purpose is to inform policy makers in prioritizing interventions according to the real needs of small farms in the selected territories.

Año de publicación: 
Palabras clave: 
SALSA project
Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS)