This handbook has been developed to guide assessment teams through the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), or any part of it. The handbook has been developed for three main target groups: • those who are commissioning an assessment, e.g. senior-level government officials, who need to know what it will entail and what outputs to expect; • those who are conducting an assessment, i.e. members of the core team, who need to know how to do it; and • those who are contributing to an assessment, e.g., experts and stakeholders at the national or regional level, who need to know what it involves. This ‘road-test’ edition of the handbook is being circulated to engage others in the process of learning about – and improving – the methodology. A revised version of the handbook will be published at a later date in order to integrate learning from the road-testing process (see page 7 for more details on roadtesting ROAM).
This document provides practical guidance on the establishment and implementation of FFS combining local innovations and AESA for trainers and FFS facilitators in introducing and promoting improved land and water management. Agroforestry systems are introduced for fodder trees, fodder crops,...
Traditional approaches to innovation systems policymaking and governance often focus exclusively on the central provision of services, regulations, fiscal measures, and subsidies. This study, however, considers that innovation systems policymaking and governance also has to do with the structures and...
Des investisseurs publics et privés, nationaux ou étrangers, lancent des programmes d’acquisition, de location ou d’utilisation contractuelle de terres agricoles dans des pays disposant de ressources foncières bon marché, où le marché foncier relève généralement de l’État (Afrique, Asie centrale,...
Este programa está basado en una lógica de intervención productiva, que orienta y privilegia sus acciones y esfuerzos a la creación y fortalecimiento de cadenas de valor específicas. Durante su ejecución, el programa contribuirá a aumentar el nivel de competitividad...
Contiene: 1 Escenarios sobre la evolución de los biocombustibles según los cambios en la matriz energética global. 2 Potencialidades, ventajas comparativas y estrategias por tipo de países. 3 Posibles impactos socioeconómicos de la producción de biocombustibles. 4 Posibles impactos ambientales....