This document provides practical guidance on the establishment and implementation of FFS combining local innovations and AESA for trainers and FFS facilitators in introducing and promoting improved land and water management. Agroforestry systems are introduced for fodder trees, fodder crops, their management and utilization. The set of exercises includes diagnostic tools for resource mapping; transect and soil walks; identification of local innovations; exploration of market options; matrix assessment as ranking; livelihoods analysis; seasonal calendar; stakeholder analysis; gender and socio-economic analysis; problem analysis in different seasons; individual matching and pairwise ranking. The ASEA presents indicators for monitoring soil experiments and ideas for rotating when visiting different farms.
This handbook has been developed to guide assessment teams through the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), or any part of it. The handbook has been developed for three main target groups: • those who are commissioning an assessment, e.g. senior-level...
Research, extension, and advisory services are some of the most knowledge-intensive elements of agricultural innovation systems. They are also among the heaviest users of information communication technologies (ICTs). This module introduces ICT developments in the wider innovation and knowledge systems...
Following their first formation in Indonesia over 25 years ago, Farmer Field Schools (FFS) have served as a “proof of concept” of how transformative learning can help governments, donors and development stakeholders achieve development objectives. The FFS approach, which has...
L’évaluation participative repose sur le principe d’une participation active des principales parties prenantes (dont les groupes les moins organisés) à l’exercice d’évaluation. Cette démarche présente un certain nombre d’atouts qui peuvent se transformer en limites quasi rédhibitoires si certains préalables...
Cet article tente de relever ce qui, en économie agricole ou agroalimentaire et en statistique agricole, contribue à définir « l’agriculture de firme » parmi l’ensemble des exploitations agricoles françaises. Même si l’exploitation familiale tend à éclater, elle reste la...