Rwanda PSDAG FY2017 Quarterly Progress Report: January-March, 2017

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International Resources Group

The Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth (PSDAG) project is a five-year (August 2014–August 2019) USAID-funded initiative implemented by International Resources Group, a subsidiary of Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International. The goal of PSDAG is to increase incomes of smallholder farmers by promoting private sector investment through two complementary objectives: (1) to assist the Government of Rwanda to increase private sector investment, and (2) to facilitate increased private sector investment by upgrading agricultural value chains.

This is the Quarterly Progress Report for Fiscal Year 2017 for the period January 1, 2017–March 31, 2017. The quarterly progress report covers the following areas of project management and implementation: Project Performance by Objectives; Monitoring and Evaluation and Cross-Cutting Themes (including Social Inclusion); and Partnerships and Linkages.

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