Agriculture technology program (AgTech): final report (September 2010-February 2015)

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The Agriculture Technology Program for Turkmenistan (AgTech), funded by USAID and implemented by Weidemann Associates, Inc., aims to increase and develop private enterprises, and improve productivity of private, small and household farms. The project has two key components: the improvement of genetics, education and organization as a means of increasing the incomes of private agribusiness involved in livestock; skills building for private producers, processors and marketers of fruits and vegetables.

To target USAID’s overall objectives, AgTech responds to the needs in Turkmenistan by designing activities that  increase agricultural productivity and farmer incomes. The activities include transferring technology and information to the local input providers, farmers, and households, all in support of strengthening the horticulture and livestock sectors. Through these activities, household incomes of producers are increased by 50 percent, yields of crops and livestock produced by private farmers are increased by 3 times, and areas for cultivation of crops other than wheat and cotton are increased by 50 percent. 

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