Commercial Village Stores (CVS) Establishment Quarter 4 Progress Report

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The USAID COMPETE (the Competitiveness and Trade Expansion Program) funded Commercial Village Stores (CVS) project implemented in Kenya, Meru region in Eastern Province and Eastern Uganda (Jinja) has continued to educate the target communities on post harvest solutions at the village level. Quarter 4 (July-Sept 2010) activities sought to build on strengthening the Meru sites collective action in post harvest handling and storage at the village level with an outreach to more than 10000 farmers in Igoji, Tigania East, Tigania West and Tharaka Districts. In Uganda, the project was shifted from Bushenyi to Jinja in Eastern Uganda due to various logistical and operational parameters of the project. Farmer mobilization in Jinja commenced in earnest. The project targeted over 2000 farmers in the region. The cocoons were moved to eastern Uganda in readiness for the establishment of Village stores. 

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