This report aims to improve the productivity of priority crops (maize, rice, cassava, market gardening, legumes, poultry and small ruminants), five innovation platforms (IPs) have been set up, one per region including PI rice, PI soyaa and PI tomato. In the process of implementing the revitalization of the rice, soya and tomato innovation platforms, two stages were chosen: the first concerns the information and awareness of the actors and the second, the actual platforms animation
Pays sahélien, le Niger a un climat qui se caractérise par une grande variabilité interannuelle de la pluviométrie, se traduisant par des années sèches récurrentes depuis 1968. Ces phénomènes qui s’expliquent en partie par le phénomène du changement climatique...
This report describes the 2012 NAIS Assessment was piloted in 4 countries: Botswana, Ghana, Kenya and Zambia. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire, open-ended interview questions, and data mining of secondary sources. A team led by a national coordinator took...
To establish an effective monitoring and evaluation system that would effectively measure progress towards achieving the project objectives and targets, different data collection methods including surveys, focus group discussions and participatory workshops were conducted. Data were collected to have an...
This report is divided in 3 studies that acess the status of the agricultural innovation in Ethiopia.
Study 1 is the “situation analysis of agricultural innovations in the country” and provides succinct background on the spate of agricultural innovation in...
This report aims to analyse the rice innovation platform in Mali. Starts showing the most recent data about production, area, importation and exportation. Discuss about the importance of the rice in the Malian economy, describe the main frameworks of the...