The aim of this paper is to analyse whether the family control exerts a significant influence on profitability in agri-food companies that have been vertically integrated. This assumption is based on the idea that family-owned firms better overcome the internal conflict that arises in a company by reducing transaction costs. We have analysed the determinants of the profitability and its annual increase, considering the kind of company and its sector
This paper studies the relationship between internationalization and performance in agri-food firms. In line with the recent literature, it analyses the effects of the degree of internationalization using a uniform sample, a long-term focus and a measure that combines export...
The current market situation has led the production sector to focus on developing new products that satisfy consumer demands and improve firms’ competitive positions. This study seeks to analyze the role played by the consumers’ innovative tendency in the acceptance...
La agricultura intensiva mediterránea ha desarrollado en el último tercio del siglo XX importantes concentraciones territoriales de la actividad productiva de frutas y hortalizas en áreas determinadas del litoral español. Las ubicaciones de estos sistemas productivos de origen agrícola responden...
Cet article tente de relever ce qui, en économie agricole ou agroalimentaire et en statistique agricole, contribue à définir « l’agriculture de firme » parmi l’ensemble des exploitations agricoles françaises. Même si l’exploitation familiale tend à éclater, elle reste la...
Despite efforts over recent years to improve the status of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa, little change has been noted, due partially to the fact that efforts have come from individual entities, which had short-term funding or lacked the necessary expertise...