Integrating sustainability at the front end of system innovations in agriculture using a triple-helix approach

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Document de conférence
Diehl K.
Konig B.

The objective of this study was to integrate sustainability in the innovation process by applying a systems view of foresight in an early stage of innovation development. For this end, we set up a back-casting process based on a triple-helix approach that was adapted to the agricultural setting by including science, policy and agricultural practice. Was deliberately selected four conceptual sustainability-oriented innovations that were driven by the motivation of actors in agricultural science and practice. Based on interviews and focus group workshops we identified short term and long term goals relevant in each case, and described the potentials and challenges perceived in relation to the success of the innovation as well as the sustainability aims. Is discussed the challenges faced within a directional goal-oriented innovation process derived from the triple-helix interaction. We show that the transformation process involves systemic shifts at different levels, and that actors need to address a) the potential for directional change, b) ecosystem intervention, c) economic trade-offs, and d) impact assessment complexity

Αnnée de publication: 
system innovation
land use
innovation system
impact assessment