Developing competitive agro-industries is crucial for generating employment and income opportunities. It also contributes to enhancing the quality of, and the demand for, farm products. Agro-industries have the potential to provide employment for the rural population not only in farming, but also in off-farm activities such as handling, packaging, processing, transporting and marketing of food and agricultural products. There are clear indications that agro- industriesare having a significant global impact on economic development and poverty reduction, in both urban and rural communities. However, the full potential of agro-industries as an engine for economic development has not yet been real-ized in many developing countries, especially in Africa.To address these issues, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) organized the first Global Agro-Industries Forum (GAIF) in New Delhi, India, from 8 to11 April 2008. The Forum developed a shared vision on the factors critical to the future development of agro-industries, the key factors affecting their competitiveness, and potential priority action areas. The objectives of the Forum were threefold: to learn lessons from previous efforts and successes to develop competitive agro-industries in the developing world; to ensure stronger collaboration and joint activities among multi-lateral organizations working on agro-industrialization; and to clarify the distinctive roles of the public sector, multi-lateral organizations and the private sector in agro-industrial develop-ment. A related objective was to engage international organizations and finan-cial institutions into launching initiatives at national and regional levels to foster agro-industrial development
Grants for agricultural innovation are common but grant funds specifically targeted to smallholder farmers remain relatively rare. Nevertheless, they are receiving increasing recognition as a promising venue for agricultural innovation. They stimulate smallholders to experiment with improved practices, to become...
La crise alimentaire mondiale de 2008 a bien évidemment également touché l’Afrique de l’ouest et l’une de ses filières phares : le riz. Cette crise a incité les États et les institutions régionales à mettre en oeuvre des mesures visant...
L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies a annoncé que 2010 est l’Année internationale de la biodiversité. Alors que l’humanité commence seulement à tenter de résoudre les dégâts provoqués par le réchauffement climatique, la perte de la biodiversité engendrée par les activités...
This study examines the role of public–private partnerships in international agricultural research. It is intended to provide policymakers, researchers, and business decisionmakers with an understanding of how such partnerships operate, how they promote the exchange of knowledge and technology, and...
El presente documento es un conjunto de estudios realizados en 2015 en ocho países y es complementario al ya publicado en 2014 y reeditado/actualizado por el IICA en 2016 con el título “Políticas públicas y Agriculturas familiares en América Latina...