Youth and innovation in Africa: harnessing the possibilities of Africa’s youth for the transformation of the continent

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United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

To successfully realize the African transformation agenda, governments will have to capitalize on the potential of Africa’s youth. Growing up in an increasingly free and fair continent, the young people of Africa are dynamic, forward-looking and best positioned to find innovative solutions to local chal-lenges through the use of science and technology. To do this, conditions have to be suitable and young people need an environment in which barriers to self-actualization are broken. In the light of this, ECA hosted a moderated online discussion entitled “Youth and innovation in Africa: harnessing the possibilities of Africa’s youth for the transformation of the Continent”. The aim of the discussion was to lay the ground work for research on youth and innovation by answering the overarching question of how innovations in science and technology can be used to build on the momentum of economic growth in Africa, and to elicit ideas on how innovation in technology can harness the potential of African youth in order to advance the African development agenda and to stem steadily rising youth unemployment rates. The present report summarizes and reframes the issues raised, the solutions offered, and the lessons learned as African countries work to-wards harnessing the potential of their dynamic youth

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