A gender perspective to business development through the Women’s Empowerment Farmer Business Schools (WE-FBS)

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )

Learn about the Women’s Empowerment Farmer Business Schools (WE-FBS) implemented in Kenya through FAO’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM). The approach prompts men and women to reflect critically on their roles, resources, and activities in farming, and to develop strategies that are needed to maximize their commercial potential.
In Kenya, the FMM project has worked with 257 mixed farmers’ groups. This video narrates the story of Agnes, the Chairperson of a Farmer Field School and a trained WE-FBS facilitator in Kilifi County, Kenya. Discover what she has achieved thanks to the WE-FBS approach.

Αnnée de publication: 
Farmer Business Schools
Women’s empowerment
Gender perspective