Fall Armyworm in Cabo Verde

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )

In Cabo Verde, the Fall Armyworm (FAW) was first observed in April 2017 and to date, all the farming islands are affected. In the absence of mitigating measures, losses could reach 50% of the annual production estimated at 5 200 tons at a cost of EUR 2.6 million. FAO is supporting the country in its control and mitigation actions against the FAW infestation, while mobilizing other partners in order to further assist Cabo Verde. This video production aims at showing the expansion of the FAW invasion through several islands and collecting some testimonials of small-scale farmers suffering from the consequences of the FAW infestation and its impact. It also showcases the joint efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Cabo Verde and FAO to combat the infestation, which include facilitating the setting up of a monitoring system, and organizing trainings of field officers and farmers on integrated pest management.

Αnnée de publication: 
Fall armyworm
Cabo Verde
small-scale farmers
Monitoring system