In the SALSA project, transdisciplinarity means a process of integration of knowledge between researchers belonging to different disciplines (in our case, sociology, economics, anthropology, geography) and with non-academic actors such as NGOs members, innovation brokers, policy makers). The role of transdisciplinary theory building within SALSA is to link diverse areas of knowledge through a co-constructed conceptual framework in order to underpin effective action towards improved FNS. Developing a conceptual framework is, in our view, a collective endeavour useful to integrate different sources of knowledge so as to create a common understanding among all researchers, necessary for carrying out the project. The conceptual framework is the basis for the building of an analytical framework and consequently of a methodology for data collection and analysis.
As an ongoing exercise the CF will be tested against the issues emerging along with implementation. This continuous check, integrated with organized interaction among researchers of the consortium, will constitute the process of transdisciplinary theory building, by which conceptual assumptions and propositions will be refined by wp2 leaders.
This document examines the macroeconomic and sectoral context and the trends and outlook for crops, livestock, fisheries, forests and rural well-being, as well as the public policies and institutional framework for these sectors. Based on an analysis of the trends...
L’agriculture familiale est de loin la forme d’agriculture la plus répandue au monde, tant dans les pays développés que dans les pays en développement. Elle représente la principale source d’emplois dans le monde. C’est bien plus qu’une simple modalité de...
Del 1 al 4 de noviembre del 2016, expertos de varios países del hemisferio analizaron el papel de las mujeres rurales en el desarrollo y la sostenibilidad de la agricultura familiar, las políticas públicas diferenciadas para la agricultura familiar, el...
Promover, apoyar y colaborar con el pequeño productor para incentivar su acceso a los mercados. Con este objetivo, dieciséis participantes de las diferentes áreas involucradas en la cadena productiva agropecuaria de la región de América Central y México compartieron sus...
Rendir un informe anual del trabajo realizado por el IICA es más que un compromiso con la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas; constituye también un medio para reconocer los avances de nuestros Estados Miembros en beneficio de sus pueblos....