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Dans cette section, vous trouverez les principales ressources développées par la Plateforme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)


Produits de le Cadre commun de travail de la TAP


Le Cadre commun propose une approche pratique du renforcement des capacités (RC) des systèmes d'innovation agricole (SIA).


Conceptual Diagram of an Agricultural Innovation Systems
The 3 dimensions of Capacity Development
The 4 + 1 Capacities
Le cadre est composé de trois volumes et fournit des concepts, des principes, des méthodologies et des outils pour mieux comprendre l'architecture des SIA, pour évaluer les besoins en RC et pour planifier, mettre en œuvre, surveiller et évaluer les interventions de RC


Manuels de développement des capacités


Cette collection de manuels de formateurs a été produite dans le cadre du projet de développement des capacités pour les systèmes d'innovation agricole (CDAIS). Le projet a été mis en œuvre par Agrinatura et la FAO en partenariat avec des partenaires nationaux de huit pays pilotes, en mettant l'accent sur le renforcement de la capacité des pays et des principales parties prenantes à innover dans des systèmes agricoles complexes, améliorant ainsi les moyens de subsistance ruraux.


Outils de la TAP

La FAO, en collaboration avec Agrinatura, a produit une série de fiches d'information décrivant des outils et des approches pour promouvoir des projets de renforcement des capacités pour les systèmes d'innovation agricole (SIA). Les outils sont conçus en vue de la mise en œuvre pratique des principes du Cadre commun de la Plate-forme pour l'Agriculture Tropicale (TAP). Ils ont été appliqués dans le projet CDAIS.

Autres ressources TAP

Cette section contient d'autres ressources développées par la Plateforme pour l'agriculture tropicale, telles que des outils de mise en œuvre pratiques et des fiches d'information pour le développement des capacités, des histoires de réussite de projets mis en œuvre, la charte de la TAP, les rapports annuels de la TAP, et bien d'autres.

Enhancing the animal feed value chain for pig and poultry production in Rwanda

Insufficient availability and access to affordable and nutritious animal feeds constitute the most severe problem in pig and poultry value chains in Rwanda. According to a policy study conducted in five districts of Rwanda in September and October 2022, this problem leads to increased malnutrition of pigs and poultry reared in the country, reduced number of pig and poultry populations due to drop out of farm owners from the business, increased number of thieves from pig and poultry farms, increased human malnutrition due to deficiency of animal resources proteins and of course increased povert...

Small livestock development in Rwanda: enhancing the policy environment for pig and poultry value chains

In recent years, much has been accomplished to develop the small livestock subsector in Rwanda. The Livestock Master Plan (LMP) 2017–2022 and the Fourth Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation (PSTA 4) 2018–2024 have proposed and attracted investments that have improved productivity of small livestock value chains including better piggery and poultry genetics, feeds and health services. However, this subsector still faces many problems related to policy and the enabling environment. Those problems were identified by a policy analysis involving stakeholder consultations in September and...

National agricultural innovation system assessment in Rwanda: the small livestock sub-sector

An assessment of the Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) of Rwanda’s small livestock sub-sector was conducted in 2021. This report describes the AIS of the small livestock sub-sector in terms of key functions, the underlying causes of their performance, and opportunities for improvement. It presents priorities and entry points for strengthening the AIS of the small livestock sub-sector in Rwanda, with focus on key organisations and the policy level. The assessment focused on three cases studies of innovation in the small livestock sub-sector: The Sasso dual breed chicken by Uzima Chicken Limi...

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.1 on Institutional Innovations. Strengthening the Farmer Producer Organization Ecosystem for Farmer Prosperity

In India, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) are considered as the most preferred institutional mechanism for enhancing productivity and income of farmers. This is based on the resounding success of a few farmer collectives that have aggregated their produce to realise better incomes. However, when efforts were made to scale up this interesting model across the country, several challenges emerged. Some of the major challenges for FPOs were lack of sufficient capacities among farmers in managing their collective enterprise and engaging with market actors, and absence of a collective voice to...

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.2 on Institutional Innovations. Fostering Green Growth through Solar Cooperative

Holding a vision of Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), and with a target of net-zero carbon emission by 2070, India plans to usher in a green industrial and economic transition through a movement with an environmentally conscious lifestyle. One of the credible options for a continuous, predictable, accessible and cost-free green energy source is solar power. In the agricultural sector, one of the key innovations in promoting solar irrigation was the initiation of the world's first ever Solar Cooperative - Dhundi Solar Energy Producers' Cooperative Society (DSEPCS) - in Gujarat, India. It addres...

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.3 on Institutional Innovations. Shaping Farmers for Tomorrow: Innovation in Agricultural Education in South Korea

The Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNUAF)'s innovative program is helping South Korea overcome issues relating to its ageing rural population while simultaneously developing elite human resources to establish and promote a highly competent agriculture sector. Since its inception, the KNUAF has been producing young highly competent professionals to manage its high tech agriculture either as entrepreneurs or farm managers. KNUAF has developed a unique program that selects youth who are willing to take up farming and fisheries, provides them hands on experience with fa...

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.4 on Institutional Innovations. Institutional Innovation to Facilitate Low-Cost Organic Certification - How Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) Work in Vietnam

Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) and short organic supply chains have emerged as promising solutions for smallholder farmers to provide organic produce to nearby consumers. PGS is an institutional innovation that builds trust among producers, traders and consumers through a low-cost transparent and participatory certification mechanism. They have particularly gained a foothold among smallholder farmers in middle- income countries, where third-party certification costs are often unaffordable. In Vietnam, PGS schemes have now been set up in more than seven provinces in Vietnam (Ha Noi, H...

TAP Newsletter - Issue November 2022 (period: August 2022 - November 2022)

The Newsletter of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) provides regular updates on activities by TAP and its partners, on the projects and on upcoming events. This issue specifically refers to the period from August 2022 to November 2022.

TAP Newsletter - Issue July 2022 (period: April 2022 - July 2022)

The Newsletter of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) provides regular updates on activities by TAP and its partners, on the projects and on upcoming events. This issue specifically refers to the period from May 2022 to July 2022.

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.2. Strengthening capacities to innovate through North-South collaborative agricultural research in Papua New Guinea

Researchers at the University of Queensland have worked on research projects in the PNG Highlands since 2005. These projects were, and are, applied research to manage soil fertility in sweetpotato-based cropping systems in the Highlands. They were funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Our key collaborator was PNG’s National Agricultural Research Institute. Although the projects were in the field of Soil Science, specifically soil fertility management, our approach has always been multidisciplinary. The timeline of project management has always been a small sc...

Espace découverte


Les outils de recherche TAPipedia permettent aux partenaires du TAP et à d'autres parties prenantes de partager leurs propres ressources de développement des capacités (CD) appliquées et spécifiques au contexte pour les systèmes d'innovation agricole (SIA) et de découvrir ces connaissances provenant de différentes sources et régions..