Capacity needs assessment is at the core of the cycle of the TAP Common Framework and it is fundamental to strengthening the agricultural innovation systems (AIS). The Assessment aims to ascertain the level of technical and functional capacity, and in particular the capacity to adapt and respond in the various dimensions. The capacity needs assessment will provide an analysis across the sector to inform the setting of priorities and development of strategic capacity development (CD) interventions.
This factsheet is part of a series outlining tools and approaches to promote CD projects for AIS. The tools described in these pages are designed with a view to the practical implementation of the principles of the Common Framework of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), a G20 initiative. The TAP Common Framework proposes a CD for AIS Cycle of five stages:1.Galvanizing Commitment, 2.Visioning, 3.Capacity Needs Assessment, 4.CD Strategy Development and 5.Implementation.
The principles have been applied in the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project, funded by the EU and jointly implemented by Agrinatura and FAO in collaboration with national partners in Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Laos and Rwanda.
This tool was designed to assess innovation capacities, identify strengths and weaknesses and monitor capacity changes over time. The scoring tool makes it clear which functional capacities are going to be needed to promote, lead or successfully participate in innovation processes....
Social Network Analysis is a practical and useful tool that looks at the linkages present in an innovation network and monitors their development over time. It maps the relationships between the stakeholders in the network and highlights the changes between...
The visioning process brings together representatives of actor groups within the agricultural innovation systems (AIS) to build on their common understanding of AIS and the need for a coordinated approach. The process involves a wide spectrum of interested parties including ministries,...
Capacity needs assessment is at the core of the cycle of the TAP Common Framework and it is fundamental to strengthening the agricultural innovation systems (AIS). The Assessment aims to ascertain the level of technical and functional capacity, and in...
The scoping study explores the nature and dynamics of the agricultural innovation system in order to disclose past and ongoing investments and mechanisms relating to AIS in the country. In particular, the study looks into the various initiatives and projects...