This document is on the Programma sull'Innovazione e lo Sviluppo Agroindustriale (PISA), which is an international program whose general objective is to support innovative projects of agroindustrial development aimed at generating value-added and employment in the rural sector of developing countries. This program builds on the work that Italy and the Regione Toscana have developed with Colombia and other Latin American and Caribbean countries in recent years (in the development of the RESECA-Colombia Project since 1998), as well as on the work that stakeholders of agricultural development have been doing in the context of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR).1 The importance of these issues has been identified by all the Regional/Sub-regional Fora in the regional priority setting exercise that the GFAR has been supporting in collaboration with TAC during the last year. In order to address the issue of value-added, the projects that will be supported will go beyond agricultural technological research to include post-harvest and processing aspects, and they will be based on a commodity-chain ("filière") approach. This international program will be implemented through specific Projects that will be presented by NARS institutions in the developing world. Three such projects are presented in sections 3, 4 and 5 of this document.
El Catálogo latinoamericano de experiencias en agricultura familiar TEC 2018 presenta 31 soluciones innovadoras, que han logrado consolidarse como tecnologías sociales, o avanzan en tal dirección. Entendemos por tecnología social la innovación social estructurada por el conjunto de conocimientos, prácticas,...
Grants for agricultural innovation are common but grant funds specifically targeted to smallholder farmers remain relatively rare. Nevertheless, they are receiving increasing recognition as a promising venue for agricultural innovation. They stimulate smallholders to experiment with improved practices, to become...
Este documento presenta una versión resumida y gráfica del documento técnico que acompaña a la Re- solución 464 de 2017 del Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo rural, por medio de la cual se adoptan los Lineamientos Estratégicos de Política Pública...
La reciente y continua volatilidad en los precios de los alimentos ha hecho tomar conciencia de la importancia de la Agricultura Urbana y Periurbana (AUP) como un importante recurso de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, tanto en términos del suministro...
Esta Política de Estado se sustenta en cuatro ejes temáticos, que hemos convenido en llamar los pilares de la política: a) competitividad; b) innovación y desarrollo tecnológico; c) gestión de los territorios rurales y agricultura familiar; y d) cambio climático...