An external performance evaluation of the Feed the Future innovation labs for nutrition in Asia and Africa

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Stoecker B. J.
Musante K.
Fanzo J.

The organization of the Nutrition Innovation Labs represents a novel model for focusing U.S.- supported research on food and nutrition issues in developing countries. Their aims are to discover how policy and program interventions can most effectively achieve large-scale improvements in maternal and child nutrition, particularly by leveraging agriculture and build human and institutional capacity for applied policy analysis, research and program implementation. 

The External Evaluation Team (EET) evaluated the program management by the Management Entity in Tufts University of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, the research programs in Asia and Africa, the training programs, and the institutional capacity collaborations. In addition, the EET provided recommendations to inform the decision on program extension and for management adjustments and research focus changes during a second phase.

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