Embrapa: its origins and changes.

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book chapter
Book Source: 
BAER, W. The Regional Impact of National Policies: the Case of Brazil. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, p. 204-226.
Martha Junior G. B.
Contini E.
Alves E. R. De A.

Brazilian agriculture is a success story. The country that until the 1960s systematically received food donations from abroad. and up to the 1980s was still a large food importer, had its agriculture profoundly changed. The traditional agriculture that prevailed in Brazil until the 1970s was progressively transformed in the following decades into a modern and highly competitive agriculture based on science. Along with this structural transformation in the primary sector, the industry and service sectors directly linked to agriculture also became two of the world's biggest and most competitive. Furthermore, as food production increased at higher rates than food demand over time. food prices decreased. These gains in consumer surplus took place due partially to lower income for Brazilian farmers.

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