Diversity of innovation support services and influence on innovation processes in Europe – Lessons from the AgriSpin project

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conference paper
Ndah T.H.
Knierim A.
Koutsouris A.
Faure G.

As part of the EU funded AgriSpin project (www.agrispin.eu), which aimed at “creating space for innovations” in agriculture across Europe, this contribution addresses the above mentioned knowledge gaps by a. elaborating a generic typology appropriate to capture the variety of ISS, b. structuring selected innovations along the degree of technological change and coordination levels, and c. testing the generic ISS typology by way of addressing the research question “Which innovation support services (ISS) are most appropriate and qualitatively best match innovative stakeholders’ needs with respect to their degree of technological change, actors’ coordination, and across phases of innovation process?” After applying an exploratory case study approach for data collection and analysis, results show varied outcomes with regards to the assumption that types of innovations may shape types of ISS intervention

Publication year: 
innovation support services
innovation process
innovation systems
learning networks
multi-actor approach