The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), a not-forprofit continental body was conceptualized for the promotion of efficient and effective Agricultural Advisory Services (AAS) in Africa. The continental body is to provide a central platform to facilitate lesson learning and information sharing amongst African countries to develop a pool of best fit knowledge, skills, technologies and experiences for easy access by users with the overall aim of improving rural livelihoods. AFAAS was launched in October 2004 during a symposium in Kampala, Uganda, which is also the host country for its Secretariat. Current membership
includes 14 countries: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. As a further step to operationalize AFAAS, each member country establishes a Country Chapter. Accordingly, the Uganda Country Chapter was launched on 9th September 2008.
The objectives of the meeting included: 1. Put in place AFAAS Uganda Country Chapter;2. Establish a committee to draft by-laws for the Uganda Country Chapter in line with AFAAS guiding principles and FAAP
principles; 3. Present a tool for diagnosing capacity needs of AAS providers; 4. Agree on strategies for identifying country level AAS priorities and fostering ownership of the Country Chapter; 5. Discuss the AFAAS-FARA-NI-RFO consultation questions
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