Actor networks for innovation in rural south africa: the case of agro-processing enterprises in Mopani district

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Ramoroka K.H.

Innovation processes in rural contexts occur in systems that are diverse, coupled with complex challenges. Dealing with complex systems requires an understanding of the social dynamics of actor networks and innovation.This study attempted to provide insights on thecompositional dynamics of actor networks,and how they influenceinteractive learning and innovation among agro-processing enterprises in South Africa. The guiding research questions to help address the study objectives are:What are the structural characteristics of actor networks for innovation in rural contexts? Whatare the roles and functions of different actors within these networks? What kind of actors and linkages facilitate interactive learning and innovation among rural enterprises? And what types of institutions facilitate or hamper innovation processesinrural contexts? To answer the questions, exploratory research that adopted an egocentric social network analysis together with an evolving set of instruments developed by the Human Sciences Research Council,entitled the Rural Innovation Assessment Toolbox (RIAT)was undertaken. The theoretical basis for this study is grounded in systems of innovation, agricultural innovation systemsand actor-network theory

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