The Capacity Development Results Framework. A strategic and results-oriented approach to learning for capacity development

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working paper
Otoo, S.
Agapitova, N.
Behrens, J.

World Bank Institute (WBI) works to improve the understanding, practice and results of capacity development, an important way to support development goals and priorities for aid effectiveness. WBI developed the Capacity Development and Results Framework (CDRF), as a strategic and country-led approach to capacity development that emphasizes the empowerment of local agents through learning, knowledge and innovation. This approach guides a comprehensive analysis of institutional capacity areas and the design of change strategies that target institutional and policy-related constraints and opportunities. Sets of intermediate and institutional outcomes can be flexibly applied across sectors and countries to inform program design and results management. The integration of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) at all stages promotes timely corrective actions and systematic learning to determine and report what works and does not work in practice.

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