Deliverable 2.4 - Report on the Assessment and Characterization of Small Farms Distribution and Spatial Characteristics obtained from SENTINEL-2 Data

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Ainali, K.
Godinho, S.
Guiomar, N.
Lourenço, P.
Machado, R.
Pinto Correia, T.
Tsiligiridis, T.

This deliverable is a report of the work done in the framework of the Small Farms, Small Food Business and Sustainable Food Security (SALSA) project in task 2.3 of Work Package (WP2) as defined in the description of work (DOW) of the SALSA project. The title of the task according to the DOW is Task 2.3 - Small farms characterization in the reference regions. The main outcomes of this task are: a) a characterization of the reference regions with respect to the distribution of small farms, crop types and production potential; and b) an assessment of the effectiveness of using Sentinel-2 data for assessing and monitoring small farms in Europe and Africa with validated methodological guidelines.

According to what is forseen for the Deliverable D.2.4, only the results about crop types and production potential, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of Sentinel-2 are presented in this report, being the main methodological guidelines for the use of Sentinel-2 data reported on the Deliverable D.2.3. It is important to note that results on the spatial distribution of small farms, which was produced under the task 2.3 (outcome a), was already presented in the Deliverable D.2.2 (Submitted in September, 2017).

Publication year: 
SALSA project
Crop mapping
Sentinel-2 satellite imagery
spatial data