This document presents the small farm typologies developed from SALSA's sample (n=892) and provides a detailed comparative analysis on the key characteristics and livelihood strategies of each of the types, identifying similarities, differences and trends.
WP3 data collection was done through 5 major steps described in D.3.1. and D.3.3. The data used in this report was gathered through the second step of this process: small farm interviews. Step 2 provided direct information on small farms and small food businesses from a survey based on questionnaires to a diversified sample of small farms in each region.
The data analysis consisted of a multivariate analysis which includes ordination and clustering methods. Multivariate and cluster analysis are used to identify explanatory variables (discriminating variables) and to group farms in homogeneous types. Through this method, five maine types –or clusters—of small farms have been identified.
The results are divided into two main sections. The first one provides a description of the typologies obtained through the cluster analysis, and the second one, shows a deeper comparative analysis of the main attributes characterising each of the types.
The development of typologies allows to improve our understanding on small farms and their role on food and nutrition security, as it is a tool that reduces complexity and allows is to make sense of their diversity. The variability and differences between the types will alow for improved research outcomes and policy recommendations.
This document presents the set of thirty Food System Regional Reports developed within WP3 of the SALSA project. This is the first out of the three deliverables planned for this WP.
The Food System Regional reports provide an overview of the regional food systems...
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