This manual aims to guide TOT on FFS on coffee production; a yearlong FFS curriculum is foreseen. Various group diagnostics are introduced such as voting, spider web, problem periodization and ballot box and a sample AESA sheet is provided on coffee as well as information on the distribution of trees to be observed; observations and record making on the shade distribution of coffee and other trees on the plots. The appendix covers special topics on shade analysis, determining soil moisture, pruning, identifying life in the soil, plan of commercialization based on cash flow, and “daily activity clock” related to gender to sensitize family members on their roles and their contribution to daily productive and reproductive activities. The manual presents an example of a yearlong training curriculum on shaded coffee as well as examples of curricula for bean, banana and maize crops.
Since the early 1990s, Uganda has implemented a number of reforms in the agricultural sector. However, in the past 10 years, the performance of the sector has lagged behind other sectors particularly services and industry. There are concerns among researchers...
L’agriculture de conservation (AC) obéit à trois principes : travail du sol minimal, couverture du sol permanente et multiculture. Partant de ses avantages avérés pour l’écologie du sol, la séquestration de carbone et son adoption massive dans quelques régions du...
This report conducted a gender assessment exercise to evaluate if the current solutions/innovations are gender responsive or not. Three innovations were selected that are primarily focused towards Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and that had affordability and ease of use as key...
This case study chronicles Uganda’s experiences developing a gender-responsive National Adaptation Plan for the Agricultural Sector (NAP-Ag) and related capacity development for gender-responsive planning, budgeting and policy formulation.
Ce guide a pour but de vous initier à l’utilisation et à la rédaction de fiches techniques sur les bonnes pratiques pastorales et agropastorales. L’objectif étant de vous fournir un outil de gestion des connaissances pleinement opérationnel dans lequel les...