Innovation systems can be defined in a variety of ways: they can be national, regional, sectoral, or technological. They all involve the creation, diffusion, and use of knowledge. Systems consist of components, relationships among these, and their characteristics or attributes. The focus of this paper is on the analytical and methodological issues arising from various system concepts. There are three issues that stand out as problematic. First, what is the appropriate level of analysis for the purpose at hand? It matters, for example, whether we are interested in a certain technology, product, set of related products, a competence bloc, a particular cluster of activities or firms, or the science and technology base generally—and for what geographic area, as well as for what time period. The choice of components and system boundaries depends on this, as does the type of interaction among components to be analyzed. The attributes or features of the system components that come into focus also depend on the choice of level of analysis. The second and closely related issue is how to determine the population, i.e. delineate the system and identify the actors and/or components. What are the key relationships that need to be captured so that the important interaction takes place within the system rather than outside? The third issue is how to measure the performance of the system. What is to be measured, and how can performance be measured at the system level rather than at component level?
The Conceptual Background provides an in-depth analysis of the conceptual underpinnings and principles of the TAP Common Framework. It is also available in French and Spanish.
The objective of the TAP Common Framework is to promote better coherence and greater impact of capacity development...
Agricultural innovation in low-income tropical countries contributes to a more effective and sustainable use of natural resources and reduces hunger and poverty through economic development in rural areas. Yet, despite numerous recent public and private initiatives to develop capacities for...
Le volume «Fondements conceptuels» illustre les fondements conceptuels sous-tendant l’approche et l’opérationnalisation du renforcement des capacités (RC) des systèmes d'innovation agricole (SIA).
L'objectif du Cadre Commun de la TAP est de promouvoir une meilleure cohérence et un impact plus...
Los Antecedentes Conceptuales proporcionan un análisis detallado de los fundamentos conceptuales y principios del Marco Común de la TAP.
El objetivo del Marco Común de la TAP es promover una mayor coherencia y un mayor impacto del desarrollo de...
Ce rapport présente l’évolution récente des Systèmes d'innovation agricole (SIA) et examine l’incidence d’une large gamme de politiques sur la création et la diffusion de l’innovation dans le secteur agricole et agroalimentaire. Il propose un cadre pour analyser le rôle...