The Capacity Development Results Framework (CDRF or the Framework) is a powerful new approach to the design, implementation, monitoring, management, and evaluation of development programs. Originally conceived to address well-documented problems in the narrow field of capacity development, the Framework can be profitably applied to assess the feasibility and coherence of proposed development projects, to monitor projects during implementation (with a view to taking corrective action), or to assess the results, or even the design, of completed projects.
The Framework can also be used as a step-by-step guide to the planning, implementation, and
evaluation of projects and programs designed to build capacity for development at a national or subnational level.
Ce document présente une série d'initiatives visées á renforcer les capacités de la société civile, par exemple en promouvant la participation des citoyens dans les processus de prise de décisions, ou en améliorant la gestion des ressources et l’accès à l’éducation pour...
This paper discusses issues related to support for capacity strengthening for agricultural research for development (ARD) by member countries of the European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development. It summarises the findings of an analysis of the policies, programmes and...
The present manual provides a reference framework for the strategic and operational work in the field of capacity development. It is addressed to all staff of ADC in Austria as well as in the coordination offices, to non-governmental and implementing...
Le rapport est construit en trois parties : • la première partie traite de l’adaptation des agricultures familiales aux changements climatiques et des conditions de l’adaptation ; • la seconde partie aborde la place de l’adaptation des agricultures familiales dans...
El informe está estructurado en tres partes:
• la primera parte trata de la adaptación de la agricultura familiar a los cambios climáticos y de las condiciones de la adaptación; • la segunda parte aborda el lugar que ocupa la...