Advances in technology transference: the experience of integrated crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF) adoption in Tocantins State

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conference paper
Santos D.
Barbosa C. F.
Alcantara P. H. R. de
Flores R. M. V.
Webber D. C.
Magalhães M. M. De S.
Simão A. H.

In 2010 the Brazilian Government established a goal to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by agriculture from 36.1 up to 38.9% in ten years (2010 -2020). To contribute for reaching part of this purpose in Tocantins State, Embrapa and other research and extension services partners have been conducting a project of technology transference on sustainable agricultural practices, including integrated crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF), since 2012.

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