This research aimed to figure out the attitude and readiness of agriculture extension officers in using the Information and Communication Technology. Data collection was done through a survey with total sample 60 respondents. Data gained were primary data from questionnaire filling by respondents who were all extension officers in Food Security and Extension Implementation Agency. Data analyses used in this research were reliability and validity analysis, Fishbein’s Attitude Model, and regression analysis which continued with F and t test. The results of Validity and Reliability Test gave a valid outcome with rcal >0,3 and reliability value of α >0,6 in all variables. Fishbein’s Attitude Model test in all variables showed an answer from neutral to very positive data. Linear Regression Test resulted in an equation Y = -6,234+ 0,211 X1 + 0,213X2 + 0,550 X3 + 0,119 X4 + 1,252X5 + 0,665X6. The value of determination coefficient (R2 ) was 0,816 which meant that variable variance of Information and Communication Technology acceptance could be explained by data variance of extension officers’ attitude and readiness (farmer readiness, extension officers readiness, infrastructure, management support, culture support) in values of 81,6%. In F test, Fcal was = 44,683 and was significant in p < 0,05, which meant that the effects of extension officers’ attitude and readiness to Information and Communication Technology acceptance
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The advancement of agriculture sector in one region cannot be separated from the role of agricultural extension in the region. To cover the deficiency of agricultural extension agents, self-supporting extension agents are recruited from farmers or private parties. This study...
Building on previous research, the purpose of this study was to describe the needs of the extension agents, in the Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia, for training on Organic Agriculture (OA). This knowledge will be used to develop organic educational...