The relationships between agriculture, the environment, and development are deep and complex. By 2050 a 70 per cent increase in production will be needed to feed an additional 2.7 billion people on an already degraded natural resource base. In light of this and amid the realities of climate change, the agricultural sector is now coming to terms with its potential role for contributing to – rather than diminishing - environmental, institutional, social and economic resilience.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of environmental management and governance in the agricultural sector; to present environmental goals, requirements, entry points, and strategies/approaches to capacity development for the environment (CDE) in this sector; and to discuss implications for donors. The focus is on CDE in a developing country context.
The paper recognises that CDE must be seen as part of an endogenous process of change, and that it must operate at multiple levels: the enabling environment, the organisation, and the individual. The paper argues that CDE should focus on the sustainable production and provision of sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that simultaneously builds and reinforces ecosystem resilience, leading to equitable and economically viable livelihoods at an adequate scale. The paper links these concepts to the country systems approach to development assistance advocated in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
The world’s population is likely to reach 9 billion by the middle of this century. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) believes that 60 per cent more food will be needed by 2050 to sustain all...
La complexité des facteurs de la migration rurale en ASS rend impossible la prévision du nombre de personnes qui migreront et pourquoi, ni qui elles seront, ni où elles iront. Pourtant, il est possible d’explorer comment ce système complexe de...
This paper illustrates already practiced models and strategies of high impact innovations around the world with particular respect to India. The shown examples of innovative businesses were selected based on four criteria reflecting their innovative character. Firstly, innovations need to fulfil...
Cet étude se fonde sur une expérience récente du développement de filières commerciales approvisionnées par des forêts naturelles de bambou dans les montagnes de la province nord de Huaphan, au Laos. Il illustre comment, dans un régime centralisé à parti...
Gérer un espace sensible sur un plan écologique suppose un dispositif de gestion qui repose sur un montage institutionnel, des équilibres politiques souvent subtils, et des règles de partage des responsabilités, des coûts et des ressources. La réussite de la...