GCARD2. Breakout session F2.2 Foresight Guiding research and Innovation at Global Level - Briefing Paper

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The problem being addressed during this session of the Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2), which was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in 2012,  is how we can bring together the needed diversity – of stakeholders and approaches – and understand better a number of multidimensional and complex questions such as: How can we inform stakeholders on alternative future scenarios and debate the desirability, consequences, winners and losers of diverse scenarios? How to better combine quantitative analyses with qualitative arguments? To what extent and how global analysis help decision-makers, orienting research, innovation and policies? How can we develop collective actions in foresight that are more focused on the needs of the poor, especially poor farmers, looking at long-term drivers?


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