To catalyse and promote a more integrated approach to gender, it has been placed as a crucial cross-cutting theme within UNREDD Programme’s strategic, monitoring and reporting frameworks. This info brief provides a comprehensive overview of the Programme's work towards mainstreaming gender equity. Gender equality and women’s empowerment continue to influence, shape and drive collective climate and human development efforts across the globe, including in REDD+ action.
Inclusion is a key issue for Agricultural Research for Development (ARD). Development goals in and of themselves call for better livelihoods and opportunities for the less privileged actors working in agriculture. They also call for greater equity and balanced representation...
IFAD’s technical assistance programme INSURED (Insurance for rural resilience and economic development) has been building knowledge about how to strengthen women producers’ access to climate risk insurance. Working with partners, INSURED supported research, and fieldwork in Ethiopia including group discussions...
Afghanistan-ICARDA programs have field tested a range of rural development approaches and practices. Many of these are ripe for scaling-up at national level and can contribute to the EU-Afghanistan National Priority Programs (NPP) 2017-2021. This brief synthesizes those rural development plans...
Este documento presenta un análisis del contexto macroeconómico y sectorial y de las tendencias y perspectivas para los cultivos, la ganadería, la pesca, los bosques, el bienestar rural y las políticas públicas e institucionalidad del sector. A partir del análisis...
L’agriculture est un secteur économique et social vital pour la région Proche-Orient et Afrique du Nord, où elle représente en moyenne 14 pour cent du PIB (chiffre excluant les pays riches producteurs de pétrole) et fournit des emplois et des...