The TOWS Matrix is derived from the SWOT Analysis model. The SWOT analysis is based on two factors; internal factors (Strengths and Weakness) and external factors (Opportunities and Threats). For an organisation to function at the best of its potential, these tools should be utilised at the beginning of the year. This article shows how important these tools are important in an organisation.
TAP and its partners carried out regional surveys in Asia, Africa and Central America to assess priorities, capacities and needs in national agricultural innovation systems. This document provides a Regional synthesis report on capacity needs assessment for agricultural innovation in Africa. FARA was...
The Unites States Agency for International Development (USAID) Feed the Future De-veloping Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) project conducted a three-country study on youth and EAS in Rwanda, Niger and Gua-temala. These case studies provided a land-scape analysis to inform actions...
This presentation summarizes lessons learned as a result of developing Information and knowledge systems in Egypt in the last years. The lessons are classified on the main topics discussed in International Consultation on Agricultural Research for Development and Innovation held...
African agriculture is currently at a crossroads, at which persistent food shortages are compounded by threats from climate change. But, as this book argues, Africa can feed itself in a generation and help contribute to global food security. To achieve...
Zimbabwe has a pluralistic agricultural extension system. In addition to the public extension service, donors contract private service providers to deliver extension services in specific project areas. This study assesses the impact of an outsourced extension service on rural households...