This interactive guidebook brings together tools and resources to help practitioners design and implement capacity development activities with an innovation systems approach in mind.
This interactive guidebook brings together tools and resources to help practitioners design and implement capacity development activities with an innovation systems approach in mind.
Also known as CD4AIS. This interactive guidebook brings together tools and resources to help practitioners design and implement capacity development activities with an innovation systems approach in mind. The guidance provided here is not prescriptive.
Agricultural research and innovation has been a major source of agricultural growth in developing countries.
In Bangladesh, IFPRI has received support from USAID through its Policy Research and Strategy Support Program in Bangladesh (PRSSP) to work in the geographic areas targeted by Feed the Future interventions (known as the Zone of Influence) to construct this new WEAI4VC module.
Agricultural policies affect almost everyone in the world, directly or indirectly. Improvements in agricultural policy analysis capacity can therefore significantly benefit society.
The frequency of natural disasters, especially storms and floods, has been increasing globally over the last several decades.
Agricultural transformation and development are critical to the livelihoods of more than a billion small-scale farmers and other rural people in developing countries.
This study examines interventions in two agricultural development projects in Ghana which aimed to build competitiveness of selected value chains to generate growth and reduce poverty – the Northern Rural Growth Project, implemented between 2009 and 2016, and the Market Oriented Agriculture Progr
Women often have less access to agricultural information than men, constraining their participation in decision-making on crops, technologies, and practices. In the design of agricultural extension programs, women may be viewed as insignificant actors in agricultural production.
Net-Map is an interview-based mapping tool that helps people understand, visualize, discuss, and improve situations in which many different actors influence outcomes.
This report assesses trends in investments, human resource capacity, and outputs in agricultural research in SSA, excluding the private (for-profit) sector.
IFPRI’s flagship report reviews the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2016, and highlights challenges and opportunities for 2017 at the global and regional levels.