Cities are highly visible centers of mass consumption of food and vast excretion of waste; they are less often associated with the production of food. Yet closer observation of cities in the Global South reveals that they are also locations of food production. This report describes the major challenges affecting crop cultivation and animal raising as well as food consumption in and around cities, where many households are poorly fed, negatively affected by unsustainable urbanization processes, and threatened with a warming and disease-prone world. It asks whether urban agriculture can mitigate these challenges, how it is affected by them, and if, indeed, it may exacerbate them. These questions demand a detailed consideration of the definitions of urban agriculture, especially between agricultural activities within the built-up environment and peri-urban agriculture conducted on the edge of the city and in the surrounding areas. Both of these are included in our analysis of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA).
What are the patterns of funding in agricultural innovation for the Global South1 ? Who are the key funders in this innovation and who are the key recipients? How doesthis funding split between various topics and value chains? What proportion...
Este documento presenta un análisis del contexto macroeconómico y sectorial y de las tendencias y perspectivas para los cultivos, la ganadería, la pesca, los bosques, el bienestar rural y las políticas públicas e institucionalidad del sector. A partir del análisis...
This document examines the macroeconomic and sectoral context and the trends and outlook for crops, livestock, fisheries, forests and rural well-being, as well as the public policies and institutional framework for these sectors. Based on an analysis of the trends...
La lutte contre la malnutrition constitue un enjeu majeur de développement, longtemps négligé. C’est pourquoi la France, aux côtés de nombreux autres bailleurs, a pris des engagements internationaux pour lutter contre la malnutrition. La sous-nutrition ne concerne pas seulement les...
Las políticas públicas inclusivas requieren de cambios en el marco institucional y normativo; en las prácticas de cómo funcionan las instituciones; en la lógica de actuación de sus dirigentes y funcionarios; en los métodos de implementación de las políticas y...