Guía metodológica de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores de cacao

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Autor (es): 
Diosdado,G. Danielle, P. Luis, L. Manuel, H. José, S. Faustino, H.
Editor (es): 

Building on shared experiences, experiments and knowledge acquired by farmers in Peru, this methodological guide includes a detailed section on the steps required to set up an FFS and its methodology and a second section on FFS for cacao cultivation in the different phenological stages. The document presents various diagnostic tools such as community and main cultivation mapping, ballot box, cultivation plans, such as matrix and cultivation cycle to analyse problems. The AESA is adapted to cacao production and includes a comparison of conventional and learning farm plots. Several special topics offer insights into integrated cultivation management, understanding production costs, seed collection, transplanting, pruning, improved flowering, and improved fruit harvest while introducing integrated crop management

Año de publicación: 
Palabras clave: 
Cacao production