Building on shared experiences, experiments and knowledge acquired by farmers in Peru, this methodological guide includes a detailed section on the steps required to set up an FFS and its methodology and a second section on FFS for cacao cultivation in the different phenological stages. The document presents various diagnostic tools such as community and main cultivation mapping, ballot box, cultivation plans, such as matrix and cultivation cycle to analyse problems. The AESA is adapted to cacao production and includes a comparison of conventional and learning farm plots. Several special topics offer insights into integrated cultivation management, understanding production costs, seed collection, transplanting, pruning, improved flowering, and improved fruit harvest while introducing integrated crop management
In order to realize the potential of agricultural innovation in family farming, national priorities of sustainably increasing food production and productivity, and reducing hunger and poverty, require rural knowledge institutions to be stronger and communication processes to be improved. This...
Le secteur agricole est le premier employeur au niveau mondial et les actifs familiaux forment l'essentiel de cette force de travail. L'agriculture familiale produit plus de 70 % de la production alimentaire et gère une proportion considérable des ressources naturelles....
This report provides a synthesis of all findings and information generated through a “stocktaking” process that involved a desk study of Prolinnova documents and evaluation reports, a questionnaire to 40 staff members of international organizations in agricultural research and development (ARD),...
Le projet agro-écologique porte une ambition claire : dépasser les oppositions autour de la question du modèle de croissance de notre agriculture et inscrire l’évolution de notre agriculture et des filières agricoles et agroalimentaires dans un cadre tourné vers l’avenir...
Contiene: 1 Escenarios sobre la evolución de los biocombustibles según los cambios en la matriz energética global. 2 Potencialidades, ventajas comparativas y estrategias por tipo de países. 3 Posibles impactos socioeconómicos de la producción de biocombustibles. 4 Posibles impactos ambientales....