This fact sheet presents the Environmental Justice Foundation's programme in support of fishing communities in managing and regulating their fisheries.
Innovation along the value chain is essential for maximizing the potential of fisheries and aquaculture to enhance food security, drive economic growth, and promote environmental sustainability. At the processing stage, innovations can help preserve quality while adding value by making products...
USAID/CINSERE (Services d’information climatiques pour améliorer la résilience et la productivité au Sénégal) est un projet de 4 ans qui vise à renforcer les capacités nationales pour la production, l’accès et la diffusion efficiente d’informations météorologiques et climatiques (IMC) et...
The report introduces 30 young innovators, 21 featured with full stories, and nine other "innovators to watch". They come from countries including Barbados, Botswana, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Jamaica, Senegal, Tanzania. The publication presents a multidimensional picture of the...
Le projet "Renforcer les capacités des systèmes d'innovation agricole: application et adaptation de l’approche de la plateforme d'agriculture tropicale (TAP-AIS)" vise à stimuler l'innovation pour la transformation des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires des pays partenaires en vue de mieux résister...
Fishing is one of the most dangerous jobs. Every year, more than 100 000 fishers die at work, according to estimates. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is enabling fishers to be safer while at sea in...