An assessment of seven innovation case studies in Pakistan in 2022 found that agriculture innovation systems show limited collaboration and networking, and a supply-driven rather than market driven approach to innovation. This limits the potential for scaling innovations such as the ‘Super Seeder’, a machine that sows wheat directly in the rice stubble, replacing the common practice of burning it.The study was conducted in September and October 2022 as part of the global TAP-AIS project coordinated by FAO’s Office of Innovation and funded by the European Union’s DeSIRA initiative. The seven innovation case studies were nominated by key organizations under three thematic area: digital transformation, product innovation and service innovation. A desk review, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and a self-assessment questionnaire was used to collect data. Major gaps identified included, among others: i) Innovation actors have limited organizational support and ability to initiate collaboration and engage in networking with other actors for the purposes of market formation and scaling innovation; ii) Collaboration was not pursued for all stages of innovation, that is, from innovation development to innovation scaling; and iii) A supply-driven approach tends to be used for innovation development and scaling, rather than a market-driven approach. The results of the assessment informed the next phase of the TAP-AIS project in Pakistan in 2023–2024, which includes organizational capacity development and a policy dialogue process to strengthen innovation systems for low-cost agricultural machinery for smallholders. The work contributes to the TAP-AIS project’s main objective to strengthen capacities to innovate in national agriculture innovation systems (AIS) in the context of climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems.
Assessing or understanding the agriculture innovation system (AIS) is an essential step to better understand the needs, new skills and functions needed by the actors and the system. To accelerate the uptake of innovation and progress towards eradicating poverty, there...
Esta herramienta permitirá a los actores de los movimientos de agricultura orgánica de los países diagnosticar el estado de sus sistemas nacionales de control de la producción orgánica (SNC) y elaborar, de manera participativay con el apoyo del IICA, planes...
This tool will enable stakeholders in the countries’ organic agriculture movements to assess the functioning of national control systems (NCSs) for organic production and, with the assistance of IICA, to collaborate on the development of action plans to strengthen institutions...
This brief presents the background and results of the TAP-AIS project in the Lao People's Democratic Republic, implemented from August 2020 to December 2022. At the country level, the TAP-AIS project worked to strengthen capacities to innovate and the innovation...
Este compendio de documentos ha sido organizado y editado para ayudar a mantener la memoria, en una sociedad que suele tener una frágil recordación histórica que conlleva a creer que todo gobierno de turno debe comenzar de cero. Está dirigido...